How do Solar Screens Help?

Solar screens are an easy way to increase the energy efficiency of your home. They block out direct sunlight and keep rooms cool, which can save you money on air conditioning costs. Solar screens are also a great option for those living in apartments, condos, and other multi-unit dwellings.
Benefits of Using Solar Screens
The most obvious benefit of solar screens is that they reduce cooling costs and energy bills. In fact, you can expect to see savings of up to 30% a year on your electricity bill when you install these full-length window coverings.
You’ll also find that solar screens provide a number of other benefits—some immediate, some more long-term:
Privacy – whether it’s in the backyard or front yard, privacy is important to many homeowners. Solar screens can help ensure that your outdoor space remains private while still allowing natural light into the room.
Security – if you live in an area with crime rates higher than average (like me!), installing solar screens might be one way for you to feel safer at home. These translucent materials allow for visibility without giving anyone who isn’t supposed to be there, access to your property or house!
Solar screens have energy-saving benefits, aesthetic perks, and are incredibly easy to install.
When compared to other types of window treatments, solar screens are a relatively low-cost investment. Although there may be a small upfront cost for the majority of screen materials, the long-term savings are worth it. Solar screens can help you save hundreds of dollars per year on your energy bill by reducing your reliance on air conditioning and heating systems. By installing solar shades in every room that gets direct sunlight during the day, you can significantly reduce your overall energy usage and costs as well as improve your comfort levels at home.
The installation of solar screens is very easy and can be done by anyone with minimal tools. They can be installed on windows, doors, and other glass areas. In some cases, no drilling is required for their installation.
How to Install a Solar Screen
Installing solar screens on windows that face the sun is fairly straightforward. First, you’ll want to make sure that your solar screens are installed on the outside of each window frame (or you can contact our team to help you out). If you’re using traditional window shades, this can be tricky; you may need to remove one side of each shade and then reattach it later. Once all of your factory screens are removed, take care when drilling screws through your new solar screen into the window frame; most hardware stores sell special drill bits for this purpose.
If you’re ready to install solar screens on your home, we have the right product for you. Our solar screens are available in a variety of colors and sizes so that they match any style or décor. Solar screens can help you save money, as well as time and energy. If you’re still unsure about whether or not solar screens are right for your home and family, contact us!